Three Wings Blue Boy. Born March 29, 2015 out of Cedar Creek's Faith, sired by Three Wings Butler, Blue Boy is an absolutely stunning blue and white buck with an amazing hair coat. Blue Boy has the thickest and longest head furnishings I have ever seen on a mini silky. His hair quality is excellent. Blue Boy is a mid-level fainter. We shipped Blue Boy in from Missouri to add extreme silky coat and head furnishings and new genetics to our herd.
Randolph's Imadoozie, born November 29, 2015, Imadoozie is a beautiful tri colored buck out of Master Champion doe, Flying J Winter's Dream, sired by Master Champion buck Flying J Hotshot. Doozie is a very small buck with excellent conformation, and an extreme silky hair coat with great length and ample head furnishings. Doozie has been shown twice and won Grand Champion both times. He needs to win one more show to earn the title of Master Champion buck. Doozie is a very high level fainter. We shipped Doozie in from the Randolph farm in Texas to add show quality conformation, extreme coat, head furnishings, and new genetics to our herd.

Aislinn Meadows Renoir, born February 8, 2015, Renoir is out of Redneck Acres Elizabeth, sired by Aislinn Meadown's Sterling. Renoir is a beautiful blue polled buck with an extreme hair coat. For a polled buck, he has good head furnishings. Renoir is a very high level fainter. We shipped Renoir in from the Aislinn Meadows farm in Texas to add the blue color, polled genetics, extreme silky coat, head furnishings, and new genetics to our herd.
LOL Serious Lee, born April 23, 2014 Serious Lee is a blue eyed caramel and white buck out of Chippewa Acres Annabelle, sired by Liberty Farms James Monroe. Serious Lee is a very small buck with a good hair coat. He is a very high level fainter.